About Us

About Us

Success comes as a natural byproduct when the efforts are real, the intentions are good, and the aspirations are high. At Santript, we adhere to the ideal recipe for success. Delicious food prepared under extremely hygienic condition, served in a clean environment with a lot of passion and affordable pricing is the ideal solution for our gourmet, budget-conscious customer. All healthy and fresh foods are served in the form of takeaways, online orders and dining at the restaurant. We cater a menu of over 150 dishes in 10 categories, prepared to perfection under stringent quality checks is a testimony to impeccable quality and taste. We use authentic and natural ingredients, many of them directly delivered from India. 

Legacy of exceptional service, quality food

Santrip is a chain of Indian cuisine located in Rostov-on-Don, Russia. Our restaurant has legacy of exceptional service with a perfect combination of good taste and quality. Our customer is the core source of inspiration behind our grand success. Hence, we make sure you feel at home whenever you visit the restaurant.

We at Santript believe that Indian cuisine is as diverse as its culture, tradition, language and region. For that reason, our team of professional chefs and cooks brings in a unique style of preparing popular Indian dishes in Russia so that you do not have to compromise on aromatic spices and the essence of Indian cuisine.

A place for all

A large number of Indian tourists visit Russia every year and we how to make them feel at home by offering the right atmosphere and delicious dishes in the restaurant.  We have hired professional Indian cooks and food experts who specialize in all sorts of vegetarian or non-vegetarian food and serve exquisite sauces. They have sound knowledge of Indian food and a passion for the cuisine they prepare. We relish a large number of satisfied clients who testimony our refined catering skills and prompt management.

Raising the Standard of Excellence

We never shy to raise the bar of excellence for the welfare of our guests. We consistently maintain and enhance the standard of our hospitality by providing quality food at the most competitive cost to attract diverse Indian customers. This is how we build trust and loyalty and you relish each meal at its best.

Mission & Vision

  • To enhance operational efficiency by frequently monitoring the quality management system
  • To acquire cost reduction by using better techniques and minimizing wastage
  • To introduce and serve new products keeping in view the changing preference of the customers
  • To maintain the highest degree of cleanliness and hygiene in preparation and serving of food